Zerodha Customer Care

Customer Care of Other Brokers

Zerodha Customer Care


Turnaround Time


Quality of Resolution


No Of Communication Channels


Waiting Time


Offline Help



  • Good Resolution Quality
  • Wide Communication Channels


  • Limited Offline Assistance

Zerodha Customer Care is one of the average performing aspects offered by the broker. In this detailed review, let’s have a look at the different communication channels provided by this broker to its clients along with the quality of service the discount broker offers.

Zerodha is the oldest discount stockbroker in India with its establishment back in 2010. Today, it is ranked among the top 3 stockbrokers in India (overall) in terms of the active client base.

Its active client base has already exceeded the figure of 9 Lakh PLUS.

The broker is based out of Bangalore, Karnataka and has around 75 branches across different parts of the country, primarily in tier-1 & tier-2 cities (more on that later). This needs to be understood that discount brokers conventionally do not have an offline presence and even the Zerodha branches are not similar to mainstream sub-brokers and franchise offices.

Such branches can assist you with general queries and account opening related concerns.

Zerodha Customer Care Channels

As far as Zerodha customer care is concerned, you can get in touch with the broker through the following communication channels:

  • Email
  • Phone (preferred for quicker turnaround)
  • Online Support Portal
  • Branches

One of the rare offerings provided by Zerodha Customer Care is the support portal where the clients of this stockbroker can get quick self-help directly. The portal has been segregated based on the different products and services of Zerodha which helps for quicker navigation and thus, resolution of the issue.

At the same time, since Zerodha is a discount stockbroker, its overall customer service quality is just around average.

The problem is bigger in the case of trading platforms. For instance, if you are stuck in a trade or your order did not execute at the right time or anything related to that, there have been few instances where traders could not find assistance at the right time.

If you want a quicker resolution, it is advised to use the phone as the communication channel. In case you have a generic query, better drop a mail or visit a branch if there is one located in your area.

Zerodha Customer Care Contact Details

In case you are looking to get in touch with Zerodha customer care, here are the contact details along with the zerodha customer care number and zerodha customer care email id:


If you are a Zerodha client, it is suggested that you save the above-mentioned numbers on your phone so that those can be accessed quickly when in need.

Looking at the gravity of importance customer support has, Zerodha has recently realized the gap and have come up with a web support portal.  In this portal, the broker allows you to create a ticket regarding your problem.

There are various topics under which a support ticket can be raised, including:

There are around 37 sub-topics under which a ticket can be created by the clients of Zerodha.

Although the portal provides generic solutions to the most commonly raised concerns by the clients historically, you, as a Zerodha client can raise a ticket in case your concern does not get resolved by the solutions provides.

While you raise the ticket, the portal will require you to provide the following details:

  • Issue Type
  • Client ID
  • Email
  • Subject
  • Issue Details
  • Screenshot/document (if any)

The turnaround time for the solution varies with the problem type and corresponding severity.

Zerodha has its branches and offices in the following locations across India:


For any specific complaints, you can get in touch with the grievances officer of Zerodha. Here are the details:


In order to file a complaint against the broker, use this Stockbroker Complaints portal. Find more information on Zerodha complaints here.

If you need any assistance in stockbroker selection, feel free to get in touch with us by filling the form below:

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For more information on Zerodha, check this:


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