Samco Intraday Margin


Do you have a demat account with Samco? Then, it is important to know about the Samco intraday margin to grab more trading opportunities even when you have limited funds. 

Samco Securities has a rule of settling financial obligations with the exchanges on the very day, which decreases the margins required for trading.

Any financial product bought or sold using the Samco intraday margin is subject to automatic square off at 3:15 PM by the Samco RMS team if you don’t execute your market position.

Further, you won’t be charged any extra brokerage under the Samco Intraday margin trade.

Let’s discuss this in more detail, shall we?

Every stockbroker needs to collect all of the acquired margins (span & exposure) by the end of each trading day to avoid penalties on the clients. SEBI notified this regulation in a recent notification.

Samco Intraday Margin Charges

Whenever a trader wishes to avail of the margin facility, they look for the percentage variations for different trading segments.

Thus, here are all the details for the different segments offered by Samco Securities:

  1. Equity Intraday
  2. Equity Derivatives
  3. Commodity Intraday
  4. Currency Intraday

So, let’s start.

Samco Equity Intraday Margin

Extending the Samco facility intraday margin in the equity segment has undoubtedly added to the number of trades with Samco.

Below is a table briefing you about the Samco margin options in the Equity segment:


Samco Intraday Margin for Equity Derivatives

Equity Derivatives are generally long-term investments, but some people trade in them for a day. This practice makes it mandatory for stockbrokers to unroll this facility to them.

A table with brief information about it is below:


Samco Commodity Intraday Margin

Commodity derivatives get listed on MCX, i.e., Multi Commodity Exchange. To calculate margins for this segment, traders can use the Intraday MIS product with Samco.

Intraday MIS product has a limit to the margin provided. So, if you wish to encash leverage above that, you can access it via Cover Order (CO) or Bracket Order (BO) products with Samco Securities.

In the case of Intraday trading, margins are a percentage of the margins necessitated for positional trading.

Samco Currency Intraday Margin

Trading in currency requires a lesser percentage of margin when compared to the Equity or Commodity Derivatives segment due to lower volatility & underlying contracts.

Below is a table for a better understanding of Samco intraday margin available in this segment:


Samco Intrday Margin Calculator

A margin calculator is an advanced tool that calculates the amount one is receiving as the Samco Intraday margin. It gives the trader a rough idea about how much he’s trading in.

The margin calculator is highly beneficial in real time to plan & strategize your trade. Further, it also helps in sorting your choice of stocks out.

Samco Intraday margin, keeping in mind the haircut percentage on the particular stock, is calculated.


Samco Securities is a well-known discount broker across India. It is the first choice of many traders who wish to save huge chunks of their profits from giving them away as brokerage charges.

As a trader registered with Samco, you’ll be entitled to the lowest brokerage charges and attractive Samco intraday margins.

The Samco margin will increase your profits and enable you to trade even with no balance in your trading account.

Finding the right broker who aligns with your goals is necessary. Keep your aim clear & earn as much as you wish.

Keep learning, keep investing!

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