Sai Intraday Tips
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Sai Intraday Tips is an advisory firm that provides short-term tips along with a few other advisory services. Let’s have a quick look at all such services and the performance of this firm before you decide an advisory for yourself.
Sai Intraday Tips Review
You may hear several people around you investing in the share market. However, how many of them make profits and how many of them make losses is something that you need to find out. It is very simple to jump in the ocean called the stock market.
The main challenge lies in swimming safely to the shore called profit. This journey can be made simple with the help of an experienced stock advisory firm. One of the numerous stock advisory firms in the country is Sai Intraday Tips. As the name suggests, they provide trading tips only related to intraday share dealing.
These intraday trading tips are forwarded to clients through SMS within the NSE trading hours. Clients can receive 4 or 5 calls on a daily basis. In the calls made by Sai Intraday Tips, the current market price, stop loss, targets, and quantity are clearly specified.
Sai Intraday Tips Services
There are different types of traders with different financial goals. In order to cater to the needs of each of them, Sai Intraday tips has come up with several types of services. These have been discussed below.
Intraday Cash Calls
The experts at Sai Intraday tips provide valuable tips on intraday cash trading to their clients. Apart from normal calls which have a high accuracy level, the experts also provide sure shot calls, which they provide only once they are sure that the calls will hit the bull’s eye 100%.
Some of the features of this service are discussed below.
- You will receive 4 or 5 calls on a weekly basis.
- The calls made to clients have a high accuracy margin.
- Clients, who like to play it safe, are recommended to buy one lot. On the other hand, traders, who like to take risks, are recommended to take 2 or 3 lots.
Intraday F&O Service
When it comes to trading in the F&O segment, you do not require a large capital. This means that you can easily trade more in this segment. All you need to pay is the marginal amount, which is usually just 5% to 20% of the entire value of the contract.
Here are some of the features of this service:
- You will be provided with a complete follow-up of the calls made to you until it is open.
- The calls are provided by a team of fundamental and technical analysts, who have an experience of more than 20 years in the NSE.
- The Sai Intraday tips website is regularly updated with the daily past performance after the market closes every day.
Jackpot Call Service
When you talk about jackpot calls, it means those calls made by Sai Intraday tips which are sure to hit a given target in the NSE. These jackpot calls are made between 11am and 12pm. However, these calls can also be any time during the market hours of the National Stock Exchange depending upon the trend of the stock market.
Some of the features of this service are listed below:
- You will receive 4 or 5 Jackpot calls per week which usually have a high accuracy margin. This helps you to trade in the Jackpot calls without getting worried about facing any major losses.
- Jackpot calls are never made with regards to penny stocks. The stocks for which such calls are made are usually from the “A” group of the NSE.
- Sai Intraday tips uses premium SMS services to make Jackpot calls to paid members.
BTST/STBT Calls Service
BTST stands for Buy Today and Sell Tomorrow and STBT stands for Sell Today and Buy Tomorrow. These types of calls are usually made to clients when the share market is in its bullish trend during the time of its closure. Just in case there is a gap up opening in the market, traders can easily enjoy a heavy profit.
Features of this service are listed below:
- You can expect 3 or 4 BTST/STBT calls per week.
- Paid members can expect a complete follow-up of these calls with the help of premium SMS service.
- Based on the trend of the market the BTST/STBT calls are made by the team of experts of Sai Intraday tips.
- It is recommended that you do not trade in BTST/STBT calls, especially when there is a major event scheduled to happen in the country overnight.
Nifty Trading Tips Service
If you seek this service, Sai Intraday tips will provide you with 1 or 2 tips every week. Their accuracy margin is pretty high and they also provide free accurate nifty levels to their day traders.
- You will receive a call to buy a single lot. It is highly suggested to trade in small quantities.
- The calls made in this service come with a reasonable accuracy level.
- You will be provided with a high alert in nifty calls. If you are a safe trader then you can easily book your profits on these high alerts.
Sai Intraday tips Charges
The best part about Sai Intraday tips is that they have a common payment package for all their services for their clients. Their weekly package comes for ₹3500, whereas, their monthly package comes for ₹8500. The quarterly package comes for ₹16500 and the annual package comes for ₹51500.
Sai Intraday tips also provides a 2-day trial package for their clients, which they have named as Stock Tips Free Trial.
Once your trial is over, they do not call you in order to disturb you to become one of their paid clients.
Sai Intraday tips Advantages
Here are some of the benefits of using the services of Sai Intraday Tips:
- They have a single payment package option for their clients which makes it very simple for you to choose their best service.
- Even after your trial offer comes to an end, they will not disturb you with calls to become one of their paid members.
Sai Intradaytips Disadvantages
At the same time, there are some concerns you might have to face:
- Nothing much is spoken about the amount of research work done on every call.
When you decide to seek the services of an advisory firm in share trading, it is very important that you find out about the firm in details. Find out about past performances and if there are any complaints from any of their past clients. This will help you choose the right service provider and gain great profits in the long run.
In case you are looking for some help in research and tips, feel free to provide some basic details in the form below.
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