Angel Broking Equity Brokerage Charges

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Are you thinking of opening an account with Angel Broking? Then you should know about the Angel Broking equity brokerage charges. This article will give you a complete insight into the brokerage charges levied by Angel Broking on its services. 

But before beginning this discussion, let us have a look at what are brokerage charges? In the cases where you are entering the stock market with a stockbroker, you have to pay a fee or some costs for the services you seek. These charges are known as brokerage charges. 

Angel Broking has established itself and made a mark in the stock market. The services that it renders to the quality of everything, it has made quite a trusted and strong client base. 

So now you might be wondering what Angel Broking brokerage charges are? Just like other brokers, this full-service broker also charges a brokerage fee on all its services. It has a flat rate that is further calculated according to the order. 

Let us now understand the equity brokerage charges in detail. 

Angel Broking Equity Intraday Brokerage Charges

There are various segments, and Angel Broking levies different brokerage charges for each segment. It is evident that since the services and segments change, the brokerage charges also change.                                                                                                             

For instance, the Angel Broking equity intraday brokerage charges are Rs.20 on every executed order or 0.25%

The intraday trading happens within a single day, and this means that an investor purchases and sells the stocks on the same day. Since the hustle of trading is more, the brokerage charges are also more. 

Equity Delivery Brokerage Angel Broking 

There are no equity delivery brokerage charges in Angel Broking. In delivery trading, the stocks are bought and kept for some time. 

It depends on the trader to sell the stocks whenever they think that it is the best time to sell them. So, if you are thinking of starting delivery trading with Angel Broking, then it is a sweet deal as it is absolutely free.  

Conventionally, most of the brokers charge the brokerage in the percentage form. In Angel Broking also, there is an option available for the percentage brokerage. 

Similarly, the brokerage in equity futures and equity options in Angel Broking is Rs.25 (per executed order) or 0.25%. The lower one is most commonly preferred. 


These are the different brokerage charges around the different sectors. In addition to the brokerage charges, various other charges are levied by the brokers. Some of these charges are as follows.

  • SEBI charges
  • STT (Security Transaction Tax)
  • Transaction Charges 
  • DP Charges 
  • GST 
  • Stamp Duty Charges  

Angel Broking Equity Brokerage Calculator

The calculation of Angel Broking equity brokerage charges can be a complicated task for some of the investors. So, what to do in such situations? 

Angel Broking comes with a perfect solution for this and to make your work more comfortable and convenient. The Angel Broking brokerage calculator provides precise data with utmost accuracy. 

As an investor, you can quickly know all the charges before starting the trading. There are four different sections in the Angel Broking calculator: equity delivery, equity intraday, equity futures, and equity options. 

You just have to enter the number of stocks that you want to buy and sell and the frequency. Just following and entering the required details, you can easily calculate the brokerage on your order. 


All the brokers levy some brokerage charges on every order. This is done in return for the services they offer. Angel Broking also charges some brokerage on every order. 

There are different segments of trading, and the brokerage charges also vary with every segment. Angel Broking charges Rs. 25 per executed order or 0.25% on equity intraday, equity futures, and equity options. When it comes to equity delivery, the brokerage charges are zero. 

Angel Broking has also made it very convenient to calculate the brokerage charges by providing a brokerage calculator. You can know exactly what you will pay, even before starting the trade. 

The brokerage charges differ from broker to broker and with each segment as well. Angel Broking gained its popularity for being the most affordable full-service broker in the country. 

The brokerage in Angel Broking equity is affordable, and the services are excellent.

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