IIFL Delivery Charges

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Having a demat account in India Infoline and looking for the IIFL delivery charges? If yes, then here is the complete information on the charges associated with equity delivery trade in IIFL.

IIFL Equity Delivery Charges

IIFL like any other full-service stockbroker offers many investment benefits but unlike other full-service brokers, it does not charge any delivery trading fees.

So if you are trading in the equity delivery segment you can trade unlimited without paying any brokerage fees.


IIFL Equity Delivery Transaction Charges

Although there are no brokerage charges, you have to pay certain transaction charges imposed by SEBI. Also, there are certain taxes including STT and other stamp duty required to be paid.

Here is the detail of transaction fees and other hidden charges.


IIFL Delivery Charges Example

To understand the charges let’s take an example. So, let’s assume that you buy 100 shares of ABC company with CMP @₹1000/ each.

So, as per the IIFL z20 plan, you do not have to pay any brokerage fees, but considering other charges like STT, SEBI turnover fees, stamp duty, transaction charges, GST, the total charge to buy 1000 shares will be ₹320 approx.

IIFL Brokerage Calculator

Still confused on how to calculate the exact brokerage on delivery trade in IIFL. To make it simple, you can refer to the IIFL brokerage calculator that helps you in calculating the exact IIFL equity charges for delivery trade.

Just enter the buying and selling price, the number of shares, and state.

You can get the exact amount you need to pay to the broker to execute the trade of the particular stock.


Although there are taxes and other associated fees, still you are relaxed from paying the heavy brokerage fees to trade in the equity delivery segment.

So, if you are planning to go for the long-term investment with the proper guidance and research strategies, then here is the broker with all the benefits under one roof.

Want to get into the trade, get started now by opening a demat account for free. Just fill in the details in the table below:

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