Kotak Securities Intraday Charges

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Having a trading account with Kotak Securities and want to start intraday trading, then we have a complete list of all the Kotak Securities Intraday charges for you. 

Kotak Securities Intraday Brokerage 

When it comes to the intraday charges in Kotak Securities, the broker offers different plans to offer valuable benefits to its customers. 

There is a standard brokerage plan in which the broker charges a brokerage of 0.039% per trade. 

Apart from this, there are different Kotak Securities brokerage plans that is specially made for intraday traders. Kotak Trade Free Plan. Let us discuss the brokerage of the plan and understand how does Kotak Securities charges brokerage?

Kotak Trade Free Plan Charges

If you are someone who wants to do intraday trading but are tired of paying high brokerage, then this plan is perfect for you. 

It charges absolutely no brokerage on intraday trading. The charges of the Kotak zero intraday brokerage plan are: 

Just to maintain the regulations, Kotak Securities charges 1 paisa per scrip on its intraday trades. 

Kotak Securities Zero Brokerage Plan

Apart from the trade-free plan, Kotak Securities comes with a zero brokerage plan for young traders. Under this plan, the trader less than 30 years of age can reap the benefit of free trading across segments including intraday.

This allows doing unlimited trade using the trading app.

To activate this plan, one has to pay one-time subscription charges of Rs 499. Along with this, the user will get free access to the quarterly courses offered by Elearnmarkets and Stockedge.

Reap its benefit now by opening a demat account with Kotak Securities. To simplify the whole process, just fill in the details in the form below and our team will assist you in opening a demat account online for FREE!

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Apart from the brokerage charges, there are other Kotak Securities intraday trading charges as well. These include STT charges, transaction charges, stamp charges, and GST. 

STT Charges in Kotak Securities

Securities transaction tax or STT is charged on the sell-side in intraday trading. The STT charges for intraday trading in Kotak Securities are tabulated below:

For example, you buy 10 shares of ₹1000 each and then sell the same for ₹1200 each, then you can calculate the STT charges as follows:

STT = 1200×10×0.025 i.e. ₹300

Kotak Securities Transaction Charges 

There are certain transaction charges levied by the exchanges and are based on every trade that you carry out. The transaction charges for intraday trading in Kotak Securities are as below:

Kotak Securities Intraday Brokerage Calculator

If you are facing difficulties in determining the correct brokerage charges for your trade. Then you can use the brokerage calculator to make it a smooth ride. 

All you have to do is enter the desired details and you will be given complete details of all the charges. 

For a better idea, you can refer to the screenshot below:


We hope that you are now familiar with the Kotak intraday trading charges. Reap the benefit of a zero brokerage plan with the broker and maximize your profit in day trade. After going through the plans and charges details grab an understanding of how to do intraday trading in Kotak Securities to initiate trade with the broker without delay. 

And in case you need any assistance from our end to get your stock market journey started, just fill in the form below:

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