Motilal Oswal Commodity

Having a Motilal Oswal CommodityĀ trading account can be a gateway to start trading in commodities. To start good returns on your investments you can start commodity tradingĀ withĀ commodity markets.

For this, you need to have a trading account with one of the brokers that has been registered with the commodity exchanges in India. Motilal Oswal head office is in Mumbai.

Motilal Oswal commodity trading can be done by different categories of individuals. An investor can think about investing options in different kinds of commodities for the medium term.

On the other hand, a trader can make buy and sell trades in commodities markets in the short term as the commodity markets are less volatile as compared to stock markets.

Other benefits of trading in commodities are that the trends are much more predictable as they depend on global markets and seasonal fluctuations.

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Similarly, another category of investors is speculators who can benefit from the commodity markets. They can benefit from the higher leverages in commodities as compared to stocks and clean technology trends.

Motilal Oswal Commodity Research Report

Since Motilal Oswal is a full-service broker, it provides many other services other than providing trading terminals to its clients. One of these services is the Motilal Oswal Commodity research reports.

These are some of the best services provided by them. They have won many awards for this too and helps more than 10 lakh clients.

Motilal Oswal Commodity research provides calls and tips for making intraday as well as positional trades along with spreading strategies, etc. With Motilal Oswal Intraday Margin, reap the benefits of high margin and enjoy trading.

They have specialized desks for fundamental as well as technical analysis of commodities. You can avail of the updates on daily as well as weekly commodity market movements.

There are more than 30 thousand Motilal Oswal commodity research reports that can be accessed easily with a single click on any of the platforms like desktop, mobile, tab, etc.

On the basis of this research, they also provide advice on different kinds of trades that can be taken.

Motilal Oswal Commodity Trading Software

Motilal Oswal commodity trading can be done through their well-known software Orion Lite. It is equipped with many great features that make the process of commodity trading easier and the overall experience of the user good.

Let us discuss some of the basic things provided by Motilal Oswal to its commodity trading clients –

  • Motilal Oswal commodity trading software allows traders to trade in different kinds of commodities like metals, agriculture-based commodities, precious metals, etc. on NCDEX and MCX.
  • They provide a Unique Value Plus product which helps intraday traders to trade in commodity markets with limited margin requirements.
  • The transfer of funds can be done instantly in order to minimize the risks caused due to the delay of funds in the trading account.
  • The experience of the Motilal Oswal commodity traders can be customized according to the kind of investment strategy. There are different features that prove to be beneficial for investors, traders, speculators, etc.
  • A feature of inbuilt Motilal Oswal research and advice helps traders, especially the new ones in making good trading decisions.
  • The feature of advanced charting with customizable technical indicators is an additional advantage for the Motilal Oswal commodity traders.

Motilal Oswal Commodity Brokerage

As far as the charges are concerned in this segment, well, Motilal Oswal allows you to trade across futures and options. Depending on the segment you choose to trade in, brokerage charges are applied.

For futures, brokerage charges are applied as a specific percentage of your turnover over.

While, for options, brokerage charges are applied at a per-lot level. Here are the details:

Motilal Oswal Commodity Margin

The margin facility is provided by all the brokers through which we can do trading in stocks, commodities, and currencies. Margin trading means buying and selling of shares with much less capital in the trading account than their actual worth.

The margins or the exposure provided by different brokers are different for trading in all the segments. These margins are specifically important for intraday traders who want to make good returns on their money in very short periods of time.

Motilal Oswal commodity margin is up to 3 x for trading in futures whereas there is no exposure provided for trading in commodity options.

Motilal Oswal Commodity Trading App

Motilal Oswal commodity trading can be done through many devices like a desktop, laptop, tab, mobile phone, etc. All the platforms of Motilal Oswal have the inbuilt capabilities of trading, tracking as well as viewing.

There are also research reports available for the clients. The advice can also be sought for making trading decisions while doing commodity trading.

Motilal Oswal provides different apps including the discussed commodity trading app in order to suit the varied needs and requirements of its clients. There is one app called MO Investor which is best suited to the requirements of medium to long-term investors.

On the other hand, there is another app called MO Trader which has been specifically built for suiting the requirements of traders.

These apps are equipped with features like real-time quotes and historical charts and trend indicators. Also, multiple watch lists can be made for more than one kind of asset. Trade Guide Signal is their Robo advisory product which helps in making trading decisions.

Hence, once you have decided to trade in Commodities can open a Demat or Trading account and can refer Motilal Oswal Charges.

Thus, Customers can reap the benefit of Motilal Oswal Intraday in which you can buy and sell the shares on the same day.


Commodity trading is one way of earning a good and consistent returns from the markets. For this, you need to open a trading account with one of the brokers which allows commodity trading on its platforms.

Motilal Oswal is one of them and you need to open a Motilal Oswal commodity trading account in order to gain access to commodity trading platforms.

Once you open a commodity trading account with them, you will be required to login to your account and you can also access different Motilal Oswal commodity research reports with just a click on your screen.

You would also need to familiarise yourself with the Motilal Oswal commodity trading software to be able to be successful in commodity trading.

Whether you are an investor, a trader, an arbitrageur, a hedger or a speculator, it is highly recommended to check different features of trading platforms and check the charges of any broker before making a decision of opening a commodity trading account with them. Stay aware, stay invested!

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