Kotak Securities Complaints

Other Stock Broker Complaints

Kotak Securities Complaints count is one of the lowest among the stockbrokers in India. This becomes even more crucial if you look at the sheer size of this stockbroker in terms of the active client base.
But before we dig into the complaints, here are some of the basics about this stockbroker:
Kotak Securities is a bank-based full-service stockbroker in India and is known for its research, customer service and trading platforms. Like any other full-service broker, the charges for Kotak Securities are on the higher side.
As per the latest records, Kotak Securities has an active client base of 10,16,653 placing it among one of the topĀ stockbrokers in India in terms of the active client base. When a broker has more than a million active clients, obviously the responsibility level becomes bigger too.
Let’s see what kind of complaints have been registered against this stockbroker, nonetheless.

Kotak Securities Consumer Complaints

Here is a quick snap-shot of the complaints raised by its client base over the last few years along with the number of complaints resolved by the broker in each financial year.

As shown above, this is the break up of the complaints received by the broker and resolved at the same time.
  • For the year 2015, Kotak Securities complaints were 140 and it was able to resolve 99.5% of the complaints while 0.5% of complaints were left to be resolved.
  • For the year 2016, Kotak Securities complaints were 123 and it was able to resolve 100% of the complaints.
  • For the year 2017, Kotak Securities complaints are 200 and it was able to resolve 99% of the complaints while the rest 1% remain unresolved.
  • For the year 2018, Kotak Securities complaints were 189 and it was able to resolve 98% of the complaints while the rest 2% remain unresolved.
  • For the year 2019-20, Kotak Securities complaints are 60 and it was able to resolve 85% of the complaints while the rest 15% remain unresolved.
  • For the year 2020-21, Kotak Securities complaints are 241 and it was able to resolve 87.5% of the complaints while the rest 15% remain unresolved.

As can be seen, Kotak securities has seen a limited number of complaints in its recent 5 years and the broker has done well in making sure most of those raised complaints are taken care of as well.

If you are somebody who is contemplating is Kotak Securities Good or not and then based on that, want to make a choice then, checking the complaint percentage makes sense.

Thus, from the complaints and resolution perspective, the broker can be deemed as a safe bet.

And of course, it can be confirmed that since you are facing issues, you won’t be using the Kotak Securities Refer and Earn feature either. Too bad!

Kotak Securities Complaints Escalation Matrix

If in case, you think that you have not received a satisfactory level of service, you can get in touch withĀ Kotak Securities Customer Care.

However, if the problem still persists, here are the contact details of the different escalation levels including the Kotak Securities complaints email id:

Kotak Securities Complaints Vs Industry

When it comes to comparing Kotak Securities with the Industry Average in terms of the number of complaints per 10,000 clients, then this is how the broker stands against the industry average:
In other words, Kotak Securities gets marginally high than half the complaints as compared to Industry standards with complaints from 0.01% of its active client base while the Industry average is 0.03%.
If you have had any good or bad experiences with the broker, feel free to share in the comments section below and help your fellow traders to make a decision to go ahead with Kotak Securities as a stockbroker or not.
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More on Kotak Securities:

To know more about Kotak Securities, check some of the reference links below:

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