Stock Pathshala

Check Reviews of Mobile Trading Apps

Stock Pathshala is an initiative by A Digital Blogger which aims to educate and empower a common man to get good returns on his investments and make his hard-earned money grow itself. It is a Mumbai based company with a team of market experts who have a combined experience of more than 10,000 analysis hours.

These experts have a diverse range of experience in trading in equity, commodities, currencies, investments in mutual funds, etc.

Stock Pathshala is a mobile application platform and is one the top stock market learning apps that help one in learning stock market the basics as well as the depths of the share market and make you understand how stock market works.

Stock Pathshala Review

Let us try to understand its various features and how it can help us in achieving the aim of educating ourselves with the working of markets and earning consistent good returns from trading and investing.

1. Stock Market Level

The beauty of this app is that speaks to every kind of stock market enthusiast, whether you are a beginner or an already experienced player. It has a lot to offer to everyone.

As soon as you download this app, you are required to select the level of knowledge you seek from the app. There are three options available out of which you can choose only one at a time.

These three levels are:

  1. Beginner level
  2. Intermediate level
  3. Expert level

The screenshots of the home page of the app and the different levels have been pasted below: 

Stock Pathshala

Once a level is selected, the information pertaining to that level will occur in the app. If one wants to change the level, it can be done instantly by clicking on the Change Level button on the top right corner of the app.

2. Stock Market Courses

Let us now discuss the stock market courses available on the Stock Pathshala app.

First of all, let us look at the courses available at the beginner level. Currently, there are 9 courses for beginners.

These 9 courses have structured content in them and have been designed in a way that they give comprehensive knowledge about the world of the stock market to those who want to venture into it.

These courses are further segregated into multiple chapters that look like this:

Stock Pathshala

The details of the courses have been discussed below:

Stock Market Introduction – This course will give a brief introduction to stocks, share market, how stock market works, initial public offering or IPO and trading accounts as well as platforms that can be used for investing and trading in stocks.

Derivatives – This course will give someone a basic knowledge about derivatives, their types, the basic idea of forwards, futures and options contracts. It also enlightens about different payoffs and margin requirements and basic options strategies.

Fundamental Analysis – This course gives the basic knowledge of a selection of stocks on the basis of fundamental analysis of stocks through balance sheets, income statement, cash flow statements etc. 

Building Blocks of Technical Analysis – This course gives a detailed idea about technical charts, gaps, how support and resistance levels can be found out on charts, trend lines, technical indicators and major candlestick patterns as well as their analysis. In a sense, a detailed review of the technical analysis of stocks.

Currency Market Trading – This course gives the details about the basics of currency trading that can be done in India and the factors that affect the values of various currencies, etc.

Gateway to Futures & OptionsFutures and options is a huge field. This beginner-level course on futures and options gives all the basics that are required to trade in them. In addition to the basic knowledge about them, it provides information like trading strategies and advanced concepts as well as interpreting market indicators.

Introduction to Commodities – If someone is interested in commodity trading and wants to venture into this field, one must go through this beginner-level course which entails the details of commodity derivatives and futures market in India, the classification of commodities and strategies of trading that can be implemented in this market.

Ratio Analysis – This course gives an idea about different kinds of ratios for companies like efficiency ratios, valuation ratios, etc. and how to interpret them in order to select stocks for investment.

Introduction to Indicators and Oscillators – This course gives basic ideas about indicators and oscillators, moving averages, Bollinger Bands, Stochastics, etc.

Each course consists of some lessons. After the end of each chapter, there are After the completion of each lesson, there is a quiz consisting of questions related to what has already been learnt by the user in that lesson.

This is to make sure that the knowledge gained has happened. One can test his / her grasping of the concept after reading the whole lesson.

Once a course is completed the number of coins mentioned at the top right corner of each course gets added to your profile. What happens with these coins will be mentioned later in the article.

This was about the courses mentioned at the beginner level. Courses in the intermediate and expert levels are going to be launched soon.

3. Stock Market Reviews

There are hundreds of articles on the Stock Pathshala app which have been divided into 8 categories. Reading these articles also earns you coins. Each article irrespective of the format can earn you 25 coins.

The types and details of the categories have been discussed below. Please take a look at the screenshot to see how it looks like in the app:

Stock Pathshala

1. FAQs – These are frequently asked questions by beginners. This is a compilation of many of the possible questions arising in a beginner’s mind. The answer to each question has been explained in detail in the whole article.

Some of the questions are “How to choose a stockbroker in India” and “Are Stocks Risky“, etc. There are around 50+ such articles on the app currently.

2. Full-Service Brokers – Stock Pathshala provides complete details about almost all of the full-service brokers operating in India along with their detailed reviews in terms of their services, fees and trading platforms.

One can also know about their charges for different kinds of services provided by them as well as the pros and cons of opening accounts with those brokers.

An overall rating is given to each full-service broker to help one decide which one to choose for one’s personal trading account.

3. Discount Brokers – The articles under this category give in-depth knowledge about all the major discount brokers operating in India.

The details include their trading platforms, reviews, advantages and disadvantages of using them, etc. Stock Pathshala also gives ratings to discount brokers after analysing the discount brokers in various aspects.

4. Trading Platforms – The articles covered under this category give a detailed analysis of all the trading platforms of all the major broking firms in India.

The details consist of reviews of the trading platforms along with their benefits and issues faced by traders while using those platforms.

An overall rating given to each trading platform provides a complete comparative picture of the trading platforms of various brokers.

5. Advisories – As the name suggests, the articles under this category give details about all the major stock advisories in India along with their complete reviews and their charges.

They also talk about the pros and cons of all the advisories covered by them. Stock Pathshala also gives ratings to these stock advisories after analysing them in various aspects.

6. Sub Brokers – The articles under this category give in-depth knowledge about all the major sub-brokers operating in India.

The details include their franchise reviews, franchise business model, costs related to the process, revenue models, pros and cons associated with them, the offers made them and any other relevant factors.

Stock Pathshala also gives ratings to sub-brokers after analysing them in various different aspects.

7. Portfolio Management Services – The articles under this category give in-depth knowledge about all the major Portfolio Management Services working in India.

The details include their services’ reviews, their strategy, their results in terms of rate of return, different investment plans offered by them, their charges associated with their services, pros and cons associated with them, etc.

Stock Pathshala also gives ratings to these Portfolio Management Services after analysing them on various different relevant aspects.

8. NRI Trading – The articles covered under this category talk about how and where NRIs can open their demat accounts in India and what rules apply to them for trading in stocks, commodities, derivatives etc. along with the restrictions imposed on them related to trading.

4. Videos

Currently, there are more than 100+ videos in this section of the Stock Pathshala app. The audio in these videos is in Hindi which makes them even more interesting for everyone and far-reaching in India.

Different topics related to the share market investments, demat accounts, stock market games, stock market movies and many other such interesting ones have been covered. In addition, viewing videos also helps one earn coins. 50 coins can be earned by viewing each video on Stock Pathshala.

One of the videos is a complete walkthrough of the Stock Pathshala app. It can be viewed in order to visually understand all the features related to this app.

Stock Pathshala App Download

You can download this app for free for this link of Stock Pathshala App.

The best part is that the app is updated with new formats of content regularly. Thus, there is a lot that you can learn using this app about the stock market.

Stock Pathshala App Features

Here is a quick look at some of the features of the Stock Pathshala App:

1. Coins Earned and Their Redemption – With every stock market course, article and video viewed, one will earn some coins. The coins earned with stock market courses are as mentioned at the top of each course.

Articles and videos make you earn 25 and 50 points respectively.

After one has earned a sufficient amount of coins, one can redeem them for some special and exclusive stock market offers by some of the best advisories, stockbroking and algo trading companies.

For example – 1200 coins can make you win an offer by Motilal Oswal which will give you an off of Rs. 800 on account opening charges with them. In addition to this, you will not be required to pay any annual maintenance charges for the whole life along with Rs. 1000 worth discount coupons.

Some of the best offers being offered at the Stock Pathshala app can be seen in the screenshot posted below:

Stock Pathshala

In the LeaderBoard section of the app, one can check his / her rank on the app in terms of the number of coins and compare them with all the people above along with their number of coins.

2) Refer and Earn – There is another feature on the Stock Pathshala app that is called refer and earn.

If someone shares his / her referral code with a friend and that friend downloads the app, it would give 100 free coins to both the person who referred his / her friend and the friend who downloaded the app.

Stock Pathshala App Pros

There are some very good and strong pros of Stock Pathshala app which have been discussed below –

1. One-Stop Solution for All – No matter what your current level of stock market knowledge is, i.e. beginner, intermediate or expert, there is a lot of quality structured content for you on it.

Stock Pathshala can guide you from the process of choosing a broker and opening a demat and trading account to trading with the most complex strategies ever implemented in the stock market.

2. Quality of Content – The overall quality of content on Stock Pathshala is definitely one of the best and comprehensive on the internet available.

Also, there are many videos in Hindi which makes its reach even wider in audiences. A whole new version of the app is going to be available completely in Hindi.

3. Stock Market Related Offers – This is a dual advantage of Stock Pathshala. Along with learning about stocks, one can earn coins with their stock market courses, articles, videos, reviews etc. which can be redeemed for real money offers from the top stockbrokers, etc.

4. User-Friendly and Good Design – The app has a good design and quite user-friendly in nature. The content is organised in such a way that it becomes extremely easy for the user to access any kind of stock related content in a few clicks.

Stock Pathshala App Cons

Just like anything in the world, nothing is perfect and there are areas of improvement in everything, Stock Pathshala also has a few disadvantages like – 

1. Stock market courses at intermediate and expert levels have not been added yet.

Although looking at the current content of the app, one can be reassured that whenever the courses will be added, they would be of premium quality. Also, new courses are being added to the app every week.

2. There is no trading platform on the Stock Pathshala app. Otherwise one would have to go nowhere else to learn about stocks as well as trade and invest in them.

3. Hindi version is not available yet. Although, the Hindi version of the Stock Pathshala app is going to be launched soon. Then, this disadvantage will be overcome.

Reviews: Almost all of the reviews talk about two major points – a) The good the design of the app and b) the content on the app which is quite structured and comprehensive.

Here are some of the stats from the Google Play Store:

Let us look at some of the reviews in the screenshot posted below:


Stock Pathshala is that stock market app which provides complete and detailed content on anything and everything that can be thought to be related to stock markets. The app comes at three different levels of understanding about the stock market – beginner level, intermediate level and expert level.

One can benefit enormously from the content of stock market courses, articles and videos of the Stock Pathshala app.

Each course also comprises of quiz sessions that need to be taken by the user in order to check the level of understanding one has acquired after reading a particular lesson in a course. 

After completing every course, reading articles and watching videos, one earns some coins which can be later redeemed for some amazing offers from one of the best stockbrokers, advisories and algo trading companies.

Also, referring to one’s friends helps in earning coins too. The reviews of Stock Pathshala have been quite good so far. The Hindi version of the app is also going to be launched soon.

Whether you are new to the stock market and need help in deciding what broker to choose or you are an already experienced player in the stock market and need some advanced strategies for trading, it is the right place for you.

After going through all the various pros and cons of Stock Pathshala, it can be said that you should definitely give it a try if you are looking for reliable, good quality stock market education. Stay educated, stay wealthy!

Nonetheless, if you are looking to get started with stock market investments, let us assist you in taking the next steps ahead.

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