IPO Listing Time

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The share market opens at 9:15 AM on operational days, leading to a conception that the same happens on the IPO listing date, but is it the case? No, the IPO listing time is different from the general share market time.

It is because of the several factors involved in the listing of the IPOs. Now, let us quickly have a look at the IPO listing time in India.

IPO Listing Time in India

IPO has created a buzz in the market for a long time now. A lot of investors and companies eagerly wait for the IPO listing to start trading and earn profits. Therefore it is important to note that the timings are a little different on the listing date of an IPO.

Although the share market timings are not hampered and stay the same, i.e from 9:15 AM- 3:30 PM. The IPOs get listed in the stock market at 10 AM and henceforth become available for trading in the secondary market.

The timings of the IPO listing are also divided into different segments. Let us have a look at these segments.

  • 9 AM- 9:45 AM- During this time the opening price of a stock is determined. This is done through a process of price matching and the demand of the stock. Order cancellation and modification also happen during this time.
  • 9:45- 9:55 AM- No modification or cancellation happen during this time. The pre-market session of the IPO listing closes at this time.
  • 9:55 AM- 10 AM- This is the buffer period. The significance of this period is to transit smoothly from the listing phase to the transition phase.
  • 10 AM- 3:30 PM- This is the normal trading session in which the shares are bought and sold in the secondary market.


So, these are the IPO listing time in which the IPOs are officially bought into the secondary market for the people to start trading.

Can We Sell IPO Shares on Listing Day

The next question that a lot of traders have in their mind is, can we sell IPO shares on a listing day? The answer to this is, yes you can.

A lot of investors choose IPOs as an investment option to make the most of the IPO listing gainsbut to choose the right IPO, an investor should be aware of how IPO works and figure out the best way to sell the IPO shares and when to sell.

Now that you know that it is possible to sell IPO shares on a listing day, let us have a look at how you can do that.

How to Sell IPO Shares on Listing Day

You can start trading in the IPO shares the moment it gets listed on the stock exchanges. The market for a normal trading session on a listing day opens at 10 AM for the particular IPO stock.

Apart from this, once the company gets listed in the stock market, the normal trading session continues.

Once the company is listed and you have the allotted shares, you can sell the shares in the same way you sell the other securities.

  • Open the trading platform of your preferred stockbroker (the one with which you have an active Demat account)
  • Go to the holdings section and select the shares that you want to sell.
  • Select the price and quantity and click on the sell option.
  • The order is executed in the market only when the listing price is either equal to or less than the selling price. In the case where these conditions are not fulfilled, the order gets canceled automatically.

You can also reduce the quantity of the shares, which means, that you can sell some of the shares on the listing day and the rest later.

Apart from the allotted shares, you can also sell the shares directly buying and selling from the secondary market.

In this way, you can easily sell the IPOs shares on the listing share and get the benefit.


The IPO listing time is not similar to the normal trading session. The day a company is listed on the stock market, it only allowed trading post 10 AM. And the session goes on till 3:30 PM. So if you are looking to sell your IPOs on a listing day and earn great profits, you can trade between this time window.

If you are willing to invest in IPOs, open your demat account today!

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