IPO Investing Tips
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IPO Investing Tips are available everywhere. Be it experts on TV, advisory firms, social media, your friends, relatives and a lot of others, everyone has a say on how to go about upcoming IPOs.
Shall you be believing what they have to say? Honestly, if money was easy to make from the stock market, everyone following these free tips would have been rich.
The reality is, most of the times these so-called experts don’t even have an idea about the IPO process, forget taking their recommendations.
Also Read: IPO Full Form
Let’s try to learn some of the most recommendedĀ IPO Investing Tips by veteran investors that have proven to work for most of the investors.
The only mantra is one must stay objective while employing these tips and chuck out any potential subjective or emotional biases.
Read the following tips carefully to invest smartly in some of the best upcoming IPOs.
IPO Investing Tips Review
Investing in an Initial Public Offer (IPO) at lower prices and making a fortune by selling at much higher prices is a beautiful dream every investor dreams of. But this can turn out to be a nightmare if your money is not invested in the right IPO at the right time.
Although if you follow some good IPO Investing Tips before making a decision of buying, the chances of winning can be enhanced significantly.
IPO Investing Tips To Know
Let us discuss some of the most important IPO investing tips you should remember. Always make sure you need to thoroughly understand these tips and make it a natural part of your investments.
Half-baked knowledge once converted into practicality can be hazardous. Here is a quick review of some of the top IPO Investing tips you must be aware of:
#1 Thorough Research:
The first of the IPO investing tips is the key to detailed research. Before listening to anyone else about whether to invest in a particular IPO or not, please make sure to research on the internet about any and every information about the company like:
- Company and its competition in the market
- The previous financing obtained by the company
- Overall condition of the sector to which the company belongs. For example Pharma, automobile, oil, etc.
Your research may reveal that the IPO is being overhyped and you would be better off without making this investment at all.
Also, the most important thing to see is the price at which the shares are being offered to the general public. PE (price to earnings) ratio of the company must be seen and compared with industry standards. Generally, it can be said that a PE ratio > 25 is a warning sign for investors, although it varies from one industry to another.
Get a complete research data and other fundamentals of the Paytm IPO. The company is ready to bring the IPO of total issue size ā¹9375 crores on July 14, 2021.
#2 Look for IPOs backed by strong stockbrokers:
This is one of the most important IPO investing tips because a big and reputable stockbroker would try to be associated with good quality companies.
Strong and bigger stockbrokers are generally involved in the underwriting of some of these IPOs as well. Make sure you listen to what OTHER stockbrokers are saying about the IPO and not the ones that are underwriting for this IPO since there could be a hidden interest.
For more information, you can check out the Upcoming IPO Calendar and plan your investment strategy accordingly.
Furthermore, there is one benefit of a small brokerage house. Small brokerage houses have a small client base and thus, it is easier for individual retail investors to buy pre-IPO shares.
#3 DO Read the Red Herring Prospectus:
This is one of those IPO investing tips that involve a lot of hard work but is totally worth doing. A Draft Red Herring Prospectus or DRHP is an offer document which contains all the necessary details about the operations and financials of the company going public. Some of the information mentioned in the prospectus is listed below:
- Details of the promoter
- Reasons for going public
- Use of proceeds of the IPO i.e. ways of spending the money raised through IPO
- Risks involved with investing in the company
It is the most important tip to invest in IPOs which must not be neglected under any chances. According to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), it is mandatory to file a DRHP before going to the Registrar of Companies.
SEBI reviews the offer and gives its recommendations to take necessary modifications in the document until it is completely satisfied.
Finally, when all the changes have been made recommended by SEBI, the offer document is published for investors which can be accessed at various places like:
- Company Website (Website of the merchant banker associated with the IPO)
- Stock Exchange websites
- Website of SEBI
- Financial Newspapers
- Magazines
Now, let us examine what all sections of the prospectus should be given extra special attention in the below-mentioned points:
A. Objects of the Offer:
As the name suggests, it gives information about the intentions of the offer. If the major reason of the IPO is to provide a partial/complete exit to its early shareholders, then, one should view it with scepticism.
B. Balance Sheet:
An analysis of the balance sheet will provide us with a fair good knowledge about the financial condition of the company. Some things in the balance sheet depict the true picture of the company like the debt of the company. Check out the debt to equity ratio. Too much debt is a matter of concern.
The debt to equity ratio of the company should be comparable to its counterparts in the same sector.
C. Revenue & Operating Profit:
These two give a good picture of the financial performance of the company. Continuous growth in revenues and profits are the signs of a profitable company which can be expected to give good results in future as well. Any company which has revenues less than ā¹200 – ā¹250 crores is too small and demands extra caution in making the investment decision.
Looking at the profit and loss statement will also assist you in coming to an objective understanding of the company’s performance.
D. Shareholding of Promotors after Listing:
Although one of the greatest advantages of an IPO is to provide a means of exit to its early shareholders still it is an important thing to note. Promoters holding anything less than 25% stake in the company after its listing can be a sign of decrease of their interest in its performance.
#4 Exercise Caution:
This is one of those IPO investing tips which must be kept in mind every time you are making an investment decision. Do try to isolate your decision making from all the hype created by the brokers and media about an IPO launch. Do not get blindsided by attractive terms like “listing gains”, etc.
If someone is recommending an IPO very strongly, it should sound ring warning bells immediately. Sometimes, brand names succeed in making us biased towards them and it has happened in the past when people even took loans at considerable rates of interest to invest in good branded companies’ IPO.
All their hopes came crashing down with the stock prices of their companies.
For example: In 2008, when Reliance Power was launched, it failed miserably and for the first time in history, the magic of “Reliance” could not happen. Very few could have anticipated such a thing because it was very difficult to think beyond the name of Reliance at that time.
#5 Look Out for the Lock-Up Period:
This tip to invest in IPOs may not seem important but it really is. Lock up period of shares means that there is a legal contract between the underwriters and insiders of the company. Insiders are the ones who own then more than 10% of the company shares.
If they sell their shares after the lock-up period in large numbers, the shareĀ price is bound to go down as this would imply that the insiders are not confident enough about the performance of their company (or most probably they were just waiting for the lock-up period of getting over so that they can make some quick buck and exit).
So, it is advisable to wait for a certain period and let the stock price settle down a little bit before jumping in to invest in the company. A good company will remain good even at that point in time.
#6 Plan an Exit Strategy Beforehand
This is one of the most important IPO investing tips because it has the potential to save you from many losses. Before investing in an IPO, decide a decent amount of profit you want to gain from it.
As soon as the target is achieved, sell them unless you are extremely confident about the future performance of the company.
Of course, this will require you to go through a detailed fundamental analysis of the company.
The first few days of an IPO are very unpredictable. Shares of consistently good performing companies can be bought at a later date also once the share price seems to settle down.
Know the upcoming IPO 2021 Date in the following table:
Upcoming IPO 2021 Date | ||
IPO 2021 | Opening Date | Closing Date |
Rolex Rings IPO Date | 28 July 2021 | 30 July 2021 |
Paytm IPO Date | [ā] | [ā] |
Suryoday Small Finance Bank IPO Date | 17 March 2021 | 19 March 2021 |
Kalyan Jewellers IPO Date | 16 March 2021 | 18 March 2021 |
Laxmi Organics Industries IPO Date | 15 March 2021 | 17 March 2021 |
Craftsmen Automation IPO Date | 15 March 2021 | 17 March 2021 |
Anupam Rasayan IPO Date | 12 March 2021 | 16 March 2021 |
Easy Trip Planners IPO Date | 08 March 2021 | 10 March 2021 |
MTAR Technologies IPO Date | 03 March 2021 | 05 March 2021 |
Also, think about a certain amount of loss you would be ready to bear in case the IPO does not work well. Booking a small loss at the right time is a wiser decision than sticking to the stock and ultimately, ending up suffering bigger losses. Managing risk is also a very important aspect of managing finances.
#7 Avoid companies that are still in the process of setting up a business:
From all the IPO investing tips discussed, this one might save you from heavy losses. Sometimes, some companies may reach the stage of IPO without really performing too well in the market. They are bound to betray their investors badly.Ā
At times, even those companies don’t realize that aspect and get a bit hasty in moving to an IPO stage.
One such example where such a thing happened is of Electrosteels Steel. It launched its IPO in 2010 at a stage where they were still trying to set their shop.
One of the main reasons for their IPO was to set their maiden manufacturing plant. The company had good plans in place but it suffered some execution problems. They finally went bankrupt.
Its IPO price was ā¹10 – ā¹11 per share which went down to ā¹2 per share. Imagine the investors’ plight in such a case!
#8 Look at the Management of the Company
It is a small but powerful tip to invest in IPOs. Good financial performance of a company says about two main things:
- Quality of business
- Quality of management
Good management plays a pivotal role in maintaining the operations of a company effectively and efficiently. It also has more chances of a bright future ahead as compared to a fairly good company suffering from management issues.
Furthermore, the management brings the trust factor among the investors. The background, education, experience of these management executives are some of the vital factors that decide the credibility.
Thus, make sure to have a detailed look at who is basically running the show in the background of these companies.
Whatever IPO reviews we do at A Digital Blogger contain this section specifically to make sure our readers have a 360-degree view of the business they might invest in.
Thus, know the Upcoming IPO in India Review, to earn maximum profits. Look at th below table, click on the ipo that you want to read the review:
Upcoming IPO Review | Upcoming IPO 2021 Review | |
Month | IPO | Date |
July 2021 | Zomato IPO Review | July 14, 2021 to July 16, 2021 |
March 2021 | Nazara Technologies IPO Review | March 17, 2021 to March 19, 2021 |
Suryoday Small Finance Bank IPO Review | March 17, 2021 to March 19, 2021 | |
Kalyan Jewellers IPO Review | March 16, 2021 to March 18, 2021 | |
Laxmi Organics IPO Review | March 15, 2021 to March 17, 2021 | |
Craftsmen Automation IPO Review | March 15, 2021 to March 17, 2021 | |
Anupam Rasayan IPO Review | March 12, 2021 to March 16, 2021 | |
Easy Trip Planner IPO Review | March 08,2021 to March 10, 2021 | |
MTAR Technologies IPO Review | March 03, 2021 to March 05, 2021 | |
February 2021 | Brookfield REIT IPO Review | Listed |
Nureca Limited IPO Review | Listed | |
RailTel IPO Review | Listed | |
Heranba Industries IPO Review | Listed | |
January 2021 | IRFC IPO Review | Listed |
Indigo Paints IPO Review | Listed | |
Home First Finance Company IPO | Listed | |
Stovekraft Limited IPO Review | Listed |
#9 DO NOT get blindsided by the growth rate of a new sector:
This being one of the last IPO investing tips, you should not forget that the booms of any industry sector are not a permanent thing. Do not over-invest in these sectors because there is always an inherent risk to it. Let us discuss an example of this:
In 2005, wind energy was emerging as the new exciting and hot sector. It was the perfect timing for the launch of an IPO of a company in this sector. Suzlon Energy’s IPO came during that period and attracted lots of interest from a huge number of investors.
And the hopes and dreams of their investors got fulfilled when it showed a staggering CAGR of 72% and 50% at that time. But what goes up, comes down at some point in time. So did Suzlon Energy! And the investors who invested too much of their capital into it hoping for a better future remain disappointed.
So, with this wrap up our piece on IPO investing tips where we have tried to cover some of the most important areas you must be looking at before investing.
Thus, these tips have helped you to know if IPO is worth buying. Check out the table of your favorite companies:
In case, you are looking to go ahead and invest in an upcoming IPO, just fill in some basic details below.
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More on Upcoming IPO 2021
Upcoming IPO List | |
IPO | Issue Size |
Craftsman Automation IPO | ā¹820 Cr |
Laxmi Organics IPO | ā¹600 Cr |
Anupam Rasayan IPO | ā¹760 Cr |
Easy Trip Planners IPO | ā¹510 Cr |
MTAR Technologies IPO | ā¹596.41 Cr |
Kalyan Jewellers  IPO | ā¹ 1750 Cr |
Bajaj Energy IPO | TBA |
Nureca Limited IPO | TBA |
Nazara Technologies IPO | TBA |
Studds Accessories Ltd IPO | TBA |
Suryoday Small Finance Bank IPO | TBA |
Stove Kraft Ltd. IPO | TBA |
Barbeque Nation IPO | TBA |
Home First Finance Company IPO | TBA |
Soma Comstar IPO | TBA |
Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels IPO | TBA |
Craftsmen Automation IPO | TBA |
Puranik Builders IPO | TBA |
Aadhar Housing Finance IPO | TBA |
ESAF Small Finance Bank IPO | TBA |
Macrotech Developers IPO (Lodha Group) | TBA |
India Pesticides IPO | TBA |
PowerGrid IPO | TBA |
Policy Bazaar IPO | TBA |
Arohan Avishkaar Group IPO | TBA |
Seven Islands Shipping IPO | TBA |
Nykaa IPO | TBA |