Now, Calculate the Brokerage and Your actual profit when you use services of different stock brokers through our Brokerage Calculator.

The below displayed brokerage calculator will calculate not just brokerage but also other charges levied by the stock broker such as Transaction charges, Stamp Duty by different states of India, STT (Securities Transaction Tax), GST (Goods and Services Tax) and more that are not generally explicitly mentioned.

You can use this brokerage calculator across different segments such as:

  • Equity Delivery Brokerage Calculator
  • Equity Intraday Brokerage Calculator
  • Equity Futures Brokerage Calculator
  • Equity Options Brokerage Calculator
  • Currency Futures Brokerage Calculator
  • Currency Options Brokerage Calculator
  • Commodity Brokerage Calculator

How to use this Brokerage Calculator?

Just add your buy price, sell price, number of stocks you wish to purchase and the state you are from, the brokerage calculator will take care of the rest!

Lets get started..

Brokerage Calculation
Total Turnover (₹) -
Brokerage (₹) -
STT (₹) -
SEBI Turnover Fees (₹) -
Stamp Duty (₹) -
Transaction Charges (₹) -
GST (₹) -
Total Brokerage & Tax (₹) -
Total Profit or Loss (₹) -
Total Profit/Loss In Percentage (%) -