Angel Broking Intraday Margin


If you want to do online trading in Angel Broking, then initially it is important to learn about Angel Broking intraday margin. This is for the simple reason that margin trading takes your profit (or loss) to the next level.

Intraday trading margin allows traders to trade more and hence earn more profit but before getting into the detail of the trade, let’s first have brief information on Angel Broking. 

Angel Broking is a full-service stockbroker that is controlled and monitored by SEBI.  To get started with intraday trading, you can just open an Angel Broking trading account

Moving ahead with the further details of the margin know about the limit and benefit you can reap. 

Angel Broking Intraday Margin limit

Angel Broking margin funding allows you to get the funds if your trading account lacks money for trading.

Let’s have a quick sneak peek at the whole Angel broking Intraday Margin in the following table:


To make the table more understandable, it is explained below:

  • Angel Broking offers an intraday equity margin of up to 30 times, meaning you would be given a 30x margin if you opt for intraday trading in an equity section. This number is going to go down with the new SEBI margin rule.
  • In the Angel Broking Futures Intraday Margin, the equity futures margin is up to four times, meaning that when the trader prefers the futures trading in the equity category, the margin of up to four times will be given to the trader.
  • In the Angel Broking Futures Intraday Margin, the currency futures margin is up to two times, indicating that when the trader opts for futures trading in the currency category, the margin of up to two times will be given to the trader.
  • In an Angel Broking Option Intraday Margin, the leverage offered by the company on the equity option is three times (for shorting), meaning that you can get a margin of up to three times for the shorting if you go for the options trading in the equity category.
  • But if we talk about the currency option, the margin will be up to five times (for shorting), which means that if you go to the currency section option trading, you’ll get up to five times the margin for shorting.

Angel Broking Intraday Equity Margin

It is time to learn the brief of all the segments. So, at first, the Angel Broking Intraday Equity margin is mentioned in the below table:


Thus, you can trade up to 10 times more by availing of the Angel Broking intraday margin facility from the broker. 

To understand the concept, let say you have an initial margin of ₹10,000 in your trading account. A share of Reliance is available @₹1000 per share, thus with the initial fund, you would be able to buy only 10 shares. 

But by leveraging the margin facility from Angel Broking you would be able to trade with 10 times more money i.e. ₹1,00,000. Thus, you would be able to buy 100 shares. 

Now let’s suppose the share price rises to ₹1200 per share thus reaping the profit of ₹200 per share. So here, if you trade with your initial fund i.e. with ₹10,000 you would be able to make a profit of ₹2000.

On the other hand, leveraging the margin facility you would be able to generate a profit of ₹20,000.

Thus, with margin funding, you can trade more and earn more profit in a short period of time. 

But since intraday trading is highly risky, here, if the stock price falls, let’s suppose to ₹800 then here you will suffer a heavy loss and have to sell shares or add money to the trading account to avoid a margin call. 

This was the benefit the intraday trader can reap with the margin funding, but SEBI new margin rules changed the entire picture.

Let’s know what this rule is all about

SEBI Intraday Margin Rules

Now according to this rule, the intraday margin is reduced by 75% thus the broker would provide you the maximum margin of 5x irrespective of the stock you are trading in.

This rule would be effective from September 01, 2021, and going to affect traders and brokers.

Especially the beginner traders are going to suffer a lot as this margin rule will direct most of the existing traders towards options which is a bit complex to understand for newbies.

Angel Broking Futures Intraday Margin 

After equity intraday, comes the Angel Broking Futures Intraday Margin. To explicate it in details, here is a table mentioned below:


So the Angel Broking futures intraday margin helps you to gain more and trade in a high number of lots even with the limited fund in your trading account.

Angel Broking Option Intraday Margin

By taking the options trading into consideration, the Angel Broking Option Intraday Margin is explained in the below table:


Angel Broking Intraday Margin Calculator

For the calculation of the margin, you can use the Angel Broking Intraday Margin Calculator. You can check the calculation at the Angel Broking Margin Calculator.

Using the calculator, you can find the value of span and exposure margin that further helps you in calculating the exact margin you can avail to trade in a particular stock. 


Angel Broking is a SEBI regulated and tracked full-service stockbroker. The company is a CDSL registered depository participant and is a member of different stock exchanges as well.

Angel Broking offers a margin of up to 10 times in intraday equity, which means that you would be given a 10x margin if you opt for intraday equity trading.

By comparing the Angel Broking Intraday Margin with other firms’ margins, you can easily see the difference in the numbers and the services.

Compare and trade!

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