Technical analysis Vs fundamental analysis is although a comparison between two types of research techniques but both are used for the analysis of stocks. Both evaluate the stocks
Derivatives are the financial contracts that derive their value from the underlying assets. The value of a derivative depends upon the value of its underlying asset. The underlying
An asset class is a group of securities that show similar characteristics, behave in a similar way in the market and are governed by similar rules and regulations.
Looking to understand about Margin Money? Well, before you do that, you need to brush up yourself with some of the basics where you get to use this concept.
In a normal scenario, the traders buy or sell the securities that they already own. However, in some cases, a trader may borrow some securities like stocks and
Bear Call Spread is one of those options trading strategies that is confusing to a lot of beginner level traders. The bigger problem is while they “think” they
Options Spread is an effective way of trading options. Spreads are the building blocks of the options strategies. They are formed by entering into two or more options
Intraday trading tricks may come in handy if you are looking to save time and make quick money consistently. However, the tricks discussed in this detailed review are