Top 7 Fundamental Analysis Books
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Fundamental analysis is a very vast technique of stock analysis. Knowledge of its basic means just the foundation of fundamental analysis. So, you need to research everything if you want to become a master of fundamental analysis. If you want to get every single step or strategy of fundamental analysis collectively, then fundamental analysis books are best for you.
You will find almost all information which is important of fundamental analysis of a security. You will find basics of fundamental analysis, tools, techniques, strategy etc.
There are many fundamental analysis books are available in the market nowadays. But, it is important to select the one which will have a bundle of valuable information.
Also, there are some free audio books on stock market that provides detail on fundamental analysis and related techniques.
Some of the important stock market books for fundamental analysis are discussed below, which are:
Security Analysis: Principals and Technique
This is one of the top books of fundamental analysis. Millions of copies have been sold over the last 60 years and still, the book is continuously printing. First edition of Security analysis was printed in the year 1934.
The authors of the book Benjamin Graham and David Dodd had seen many ups and downs of the security market. They had seen market behaviour at the time of great depression to the height of recovery also. And, the observed behaviour of investors during the time of chaos of World War II and the calm of peacetime.
The main focus of this fundamental analysis book is the detailed analysis of the balance sheet of a company. According to the authors, the main road of an investment is detailed reading and analysis of company’s balance sheet. All advice and guidance in the book are beyond any time limit.
Though, the author has good experience of both situations of a stock market i.e. time of great depression of stock market and financial and political instability of the economy.
So, in this book author has given almost all extreme possibilities of the stock market and the way to come out and take advantage of the situation.
Fundamental analysis For Investors: Your Complete guide to Fundamental Analysis
This book is a completed guide to beginners of the stock market.
If you are someone who wants to start the fundamental analysis, then you can go through this book. Almost all fundamental analysis books make you learn fundamental analysis. But, in this book, you will get basics of fundamental analysis, its scope and idea of investment.
This will also make you learn qualitative and quantitative fundamentals. There are different types of tools inside the book, which will help you to become a successful analyst.
These are the topics which you will learn inside the book.
- Chapter 1- Introduction of fundamental analysis
- Chapter2- Elaborated fundamental analysis
- Chapter 3- the scope of fundamental analysis
- Chapter 4- Qualitative and quantitative fundamental factors
- Chapter 5- Tools of fundamental analysis
- Chapter 6- Final notes
The Five Rules for Successful stock investing: Morningstar’s guide to building wealth and winning in the Market
Morningstar is a reliable and popular source of information in the field of finance. People from all over the world search Morningstar for getting most of the financial information.
This book is written by the director of Morningstar name Pat Dorsey from the department of stock analysis. This is the best guide to the investors who want to invest in the stock market and earn a profit.
The five rules on which this book has focused is related to rules for successful investment. The rules include research idea related to stock, choosing the right stock for investment and another wide range of different topics related to stock market investment.
The book includes topics like.
- How to go through balance sheet or other financials of a company to find the main and important points of the financial statement.
- What are the different ways to find a company, which is worth investing and will create wealth for the investor?
- How to analyze different sectors of the market. Like banking, health, financial etc.
This book is a good solution to every problem which you may face while going for an investment in stock market.
The Intelligent Investor
One of the best value investing books written by the great investment advisor Benjamin Graham of the twentieth century. Benjamin Graham taught people worldwide about the strategies which should be adopted while investing.
He taught all most all-important possibilities to share market. What an intelligent investor must know, and what step they should take in both positive and negative situation of the stock market.
It will be wrong to say that an investor in the stock market has no idea of Graham’s stock strategies. So, preserving the graham’s original text integrity, this revised edition includes updated commentary by a well known financial journalist Jason Zweig. The journalist’s perspective reflects the realities of today’s stock market.
This edition with Graham’s examples and today’s financial market situation gives you thorough understanding to use Graham’s principles.
It is ideal for investors, who want to reach their financial goal.
Fundamental analysis and Position trading – Evolution of a Trader
The author of the book is Thomas N. Bulkowski. He has explained very well in this book about the basics of fundamental analysis.
There are four comprehensive coverages of stock trading. People start to learn these four styles one by one when they are new to trading. At first, they buy and hold the stock, until the trend ends. Second, they try to buy a stock and take a position.
This is same as buying and selling style but the difference is, in this style trader holds a position until they think there will be a significant trend change.
Third, Buying and selling is same, buy frequency increases. Traders try to catch short-term up-down swings. Fourth and last one is, buying and selling stock in a single day means day trading.
This book provides you suggestion and tips for every style of trading. As a beginner in trading, you need to go through each style of trading serially and one by one. So, this the best book for traders.
- Trading basics– It explains basics of trading which every trader must know. Like money management, support and resistance, stop loss etc.
- Fundamental analysis and position trading– This part explains buy, sell or hold situation. Also, tells you best fundamental which suits your style of trading.
- Swing and day trading– It will give you the idea of frequent trading and same-day buy and sell strategies. How and how much you can earn from this style of trading.
So, this is one of the best fundamental analysis books for trading ideas and basics of financial analysis.
Futures: Fundamental analysis
Author of the book Jack D. Schwager, is one of the bestselling authors in the field of finance. This book is a complete guide to the futures trading market. The book has three volumes and this is the first volume.
You can get everything required for successful future trading is wrapped in this book. The author has mentioned how to use fundamental analysis technique for future trading. So, if you want to do futures trading, this book will give you the solution of your every problem
Mastering Fundamental Analysis
The book depicts its meaning by itself. It is for those investors who have already got a good experience of fundamental analysis but to sharp up their knowledge and become master, this book is best. The investor, who wants a better decision of investment, while going through their pace and step by step with examples, can opt for this book.
Micheal C. Thomsett is the author of the book.
Summary: Fundamental analysis books
Here is a quick summary on the books we discussed:
- Security analysis: Principals and technique- Best book for fundamental analysis of stock with principals and technique to buy a stock.
- Fundamental analysis: Your complete guide to fundamental analysis – It is the best guide to you, especially when you are a beginner in the stock market.
- The five rules for successful stock investing: Morningstar’s guide to building wealth and winning in the market – Five best rules for stock investing is mentioned in the book by the author of Morningstar.
- The Intelligent investor- A to Z for an intelligent investor. Means this book give all direction to an investor who needs an intelligent decision-making idea in the stock market.
- Futures: Fundamental analysis- One of the best among financial analysis books. This book is a helping hand to the futures traders. It helps to take an all-important decision of future trading.
- Mastering fundamental analysis- If you want to be a master in fundamental analysis, then buying this book means the solution to your maximum problem.
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