BSE Sensex Stocks

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Sensex, the value that defines the BSE and market sentiment was introduced in the year 1978-79. If you want to know the information of the BSE Sensex Stocks of the listed companies then here is the document for you.

But before jumping into the context, let’s first figure out what is the objective of BSE and Sensex.

The S&P Bombay Stock Exchange commonly known as the BSE is designed to measure the performance and movements of the stocks listed under it.

A total of 30 well-established and financially sound companies are listed under the Bombay Stock Exchange on the basis of the index value.

Going back to the Sensex History, the index was calculated on the basis of “Full Market Capitalization” methods but later on from September 2003, the “Free-float Market Capitalization” method came into effect.

Being the oldest index in the country BSE Sensex S&P has become one of the prominent brands in the country.

Here’s all you need to know about BSE Sensex stocks. Stay Tuned!

BSE Top 30 Companies List

The Sensex index represents the market sentiment of the 30 BSE companies. The base year and the base value used to calculate the same are 1978-1979 and of 100 respectively. 

Since its inception in 1986, the Sensex has witnessed many modifications. In what follows, mentioned is the latest list of companies used to perform the Sensex calculation (Sensex/Sensex 30/BSE 30). 

These also assist in finding other information like market cap, Sensex PE ratio of the company/companies etc.

The major objective of S&P BSE Sensex is the measure of the benchmark index that is widely accepted by the individual investors, institutional investors, and foreign investors. 

Some more objectives of the Sensex Index are:

  • Measurement of the Market Movements
  • Setting the Benchmark for Fund Managers to compare the Performance of funds

The companies listed among the top 30 in BSE Sensex are selected on the basis of certain quantitative and qualitative criteria:

Some of the qualitative criteria are: 

  • Market Capitalization 
  • Trading Frequency
  • Average Daily Trades
  • Average Daily Turnover
  • Industry Representation
  • Listed History

Quantitative criteria for selecting the top 30 companies:

  • Track Record

BSE Sensex Stocks List

Here is the list of the top 30 companies listed in BSE in June 2021.


Refer to the picture below for details like product code and respective sector:

As of 29 Aug 2017, there are a total of 31 companies listed under the BSE Sensex. This is because TATA Motors has 2 categories –  DVR/ordinary and the Tata motors.

The pie chart below indicates the weightage of each sector in the BSE Sensex.


These top 30 companies mentioned in this blog are not only listed in the BSE Sensex but are also among the largest and actively-traded companies of the Indian share market. 

The basis of their inclusion in this list is their turnover, sales, and capitalization. These companies offer respective stocks which are commonly referred to as the BSE Sensex stocks.

We hope that this blog helped you in getting things cleared about the 30 companies in BSE. Happy trading.

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More on Share Market Education:

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