Stock Market Timings in India

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TheĀ Stock MarketĀ is a popular means of earning money across the globe. When an investor enters the stock market, the first thing to know is the stock market timings in India.

For instance, a kid going to school needs to know the timings of the school. The same goes for a trader, he/she needs to know the stock market timings.

Each stock market is different from the others. Similarly, the Indian Stock Market is unique in its way.Ā 

Stock Market Timings

Trading in the Indian stock market takes place from Monday to Friday, and no trading is permitted on the weekend days, i.e. Saturday and Sunday. The timings and days for trading may vary for the different exchanges.

There are two major exchanges in India: the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE). other than this, there are many exchanges that are either national or regional.

  • Stock Market Opening Time: 9.15 am
  • Stock Market Closing Time: 3.30 pm

Note that every stockbroker in India follows this timing for trading and investing activities. For instance, if you go for Angel One then then the Angel One trading time will remain the same as the stock market opening and closing time.

BSE Stock Market Timings Today

BSE, formerly known as Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, is Asiaā€™s first and Indiaā€™s oldest and largest stock exchange.

It was established in 1875 by the name of the Native Share and Stock Brokers Association. It lists more than 6,000 companies.Ā 

BSE facilitates trade in equities, currencies, derivatives, mutual funds, and debt instruments. It also extends some essential capital trading services like risk management, investor education, clearing, and settlement.

The trading time for BSE is 9:15 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. The trade market is open from Monday to Friday.

NSE Stock Market Timings

National Stock Exchange of India Limited is the full form of NSE. This stock exchange was constituted in 1992, and trading commenced in 1994. It is Indiaā€™s largest financial market.

Based on equity trading volume, NSE is ranked fourth and has, over time, developed into a sophisticated electronic market.

The trading window for NSE traders is thrown open on Monday and closed on Friday. The NSE stock market timings in India are 9:15 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.


Also, read the difference between BSE and NSE to clarify the doubts regarding the features, definition, meaning, and many more.

Indian Stock Market Timings

Trading in the Indian stock market is available for a defined period. The retail investors and traders and trade during that time with the help of their Demat accounts registered with a Depository Participant.

The India stock market timing is 9:15 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., and it is the same for the two largest stock exchanges of India – the NSE (National Stock Exchange) and the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange).

For varying activities related to trading, the trade slot gets divided into three categories:

1. Pre-opening Session

Since the name gives it away, the pre-opening session starts before the stock market opens. This session commences at 9 A.M. and lasts for 15 minutes.

Three smaller slots make up the pre-opening session. These slots are as follows:

  • From 9:00 A.M. – 9:08 A.M.

This slot is when the market begins working. During these 8 minutes, the traders place orders for any transaction in the equity segment. The orders placed in this slot get preferential treatment during execution.

These orders get cleared off in the very beginning, i.e., as soon as the market is thrown open to trading. These can be cancelled or altered in this window. No alterations are permitted after this slot gets concluded.

  • From 9:08 A.M. to 9:12 A.M.

Once the trades get sealed in the previous slot for trading in the market, itā€™s time to determine the securitiesā€™ prices. This slot is responsible for the same.

Price matching order gets carried out according to the corresponding demand and supply prices. This process ensures that accurate transactions are executed between the traders who wish to buy or sell the securities.

Price matching order has an essential role in deciding the prices at which trading is done during the normal trading session. These prices get determined by using the multilateral price order matching system.

No modifications take place in the orders positioned in the last slot.

  • From 9:12 A.M. to 9:15 A.M.

This three-minute window is the transitional phase between the pre-opening session and the normal session. Neither any order is revoked nor modified during this slot.

Everything remains the same as conducted during the two previous slots.

2. Normal Session

This session commences at 9:15 A.M. and concludes at 3:30 P.M. This session is where trading generally takes place and is known as ā€˜Primary Trading Session.ā€™

Every order placed during this session follows the bilateral order matching system. In this order matching system, the prices get determined based on demand and supply forces for the corresponding security.

One of the major cons of the bilateral order matching system is that it is highly volatile, and this reflects in the sudden fluctuations of the security prices.

The multi-order system was formulated to overcome this volatility for the pre-opening session. Finally, it was incorporated into the Indian Stock Market.

Ā  3. Closing Session

The closing bells for the Indian Stock Market ring at 3:30 P.M. All trades get concluded at this time, and trading for the day is summed up.

This session can be cut up into two slots. These slots are:

  • From 3:30 P.M. to 3:40 P.M.

This session is where the closing price is decided by taking a weighted average of the trading securities prices between 3:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.Ā 

The closing price is benchmarked by calculating the average price of the securities listed under the various indices like Sensex, Nifty, S&P Auto, etc.

  • From 3:40 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.

This 20-minute session is very much similar to the pre-opening session. This session is called the Post Market Order Session. The option to place orders for buying or selling securities in this window is available only for equity trading.Ā 

Though the market is not very active during this window, you can still keep track of the market movements.

Indian Stock Market Intraday Trading Time

Having understood the various sessions of Stock Market timings in India, it is equally important to know the squaring off timings set by the brokers.

These timings are used for auto square off in case the trader forgets to end the intraday trade.

The RMS team of the respective brokers square off the trades automatically to convert the trade into a positional one.

The Indian stock market intraday timings vary for different brokers. Some of the brokers with the corresponding square off times are tabulated below:


Other than this, for successful intraday trading, it is important to know the best time frame for intraday trading.

After Market Orders

For traders who canā€™t be online during trading hours due to whatever reasons, almost all brokers have a simplistic solution.

They offer the option to place AfterMarket Orders. Are you confused about how it works?

Itā€™s easy. They permit their customers to place their orders in some predefined time slots. These time slots are opened after the market closes at 3:30 P.M. and before the stock market opens at 9:15 A.M.

These windows of trading are opened at different times by the brokers for different financial securities. This option is generally availed by traders for the securities of some companies, and these trades get executed the next day as soon as the market opens.

The biggest advantage of this trade is that you need not be present at the exchange to execute the trade.

Muhurat Trading

Although the trading market is closed on Diwali, a Hindu festival celebrated across India; the Indian stock markets are open for trading for an hour as it is considered auspicious by the traders.

This exclusive trading hour is announced in advance every year, and the timing varies from year to year. Generally, an hour in the evening is chosen.


Trading in the stock market is a risky affair. So, gaining a proper understanding of stock market. Timing slots for the markets should be crystal clear to the trader and investor to choose the corresponding slots and make profits.

As stated above, India’s biggest stock exchanges are NSE and BSE. They commence and conclude the process of trading at the same time; from 9 AM to 4 PM (Monday to Friday)

The sessions are divided into three categories, and every slot has a dedicated operation. The markets open at 9 A.M. for the pre-opening session and close at 4 P.M. after the post-market order session.

To place an After Market Order with a specific broker, it is vital to navigate on their platform since each broker has different timings for the same.

The most distinctive aspect of the Indian Stock Market is Muhurat Trading in which even on Diwali eve, a trader or an investor can place an order. However, the market only opens for an hour.

We sincerely hope that your queries with regard to the Timings of the Indian Stock Market have been answered.

Frequently Asked Questions about Stock Market timings in India

  1. At what time does the stock market open in India?

The Indian Stock Market operates from Monday to Friday between 9:15 A.M. and 3:30 P.M.

Ā  Ā  Ā 2. What time does Nifty open?

Since NIFTY is a market index by NSE, it opens and closes with NSE. NSE opens at 9:00 A.M. for pre-opening sessions and the normal session commences at 9:15 A.M.

Ā  Ā  Ā 3. Can we buy shares after the market closes in India?

Yes, we can buy shares after the market closes in India. It can be done either via Post Market Orders or Aftermarket Orders. You have understood them in detail above.

Ā  Ā  Ā 4. Can we sell shares on Saturday?

No, we canā€™t sell shares on Saturday. The trading session is from Monday to Friday. Although, in the case of Aftermarket Orders, a slot for trade could be available for the customers of a particular broker.Ā 

The order might be placed on Saturday but will get executed on Monday when the market opens for trading. Check the details with the corresponding broker.

Ā  Ā  Ā 5. Can we buy shares on Sunday in India?

No, we canā€™t buy shares on Sunday in India. Trading days for the Indian Stock Market are Monday to Friday.

In the case of Aftermarket Orders, you might get an opportunity to place your order on Sunday but the trade will be executed on Monday only.

Ā  Ā  Ā 6. Can I buy shares in the pre-open session?

You can place orders in the pre-open session. This slot of 15 minutes collects and modifies orders to be executed at a priority when the market starts trading.

Ā  Ā  7. Can we place an order before the market opens?

Yes, we can place an order before the market opens. You can place the desired orders during the pre-opening session from 9:00 A.M. to 9:15 A.M.

The orders placed during this time slot will be executed before every other order is placed. They are cleared at priority.

Ā  Ā  Ā 8. What time does BSE open?

BSE or Bombay Stock Exchange opens for trading in the normal session at 9:15 A.M. but the pre-opening session commences at 9:00 A.M.

Ā  Ā  Ā 9. When does the Indian Stock Market close?

The Indian Stock Market closes at 3:30 P.M. for the normal session and 4:00 P.M. after the post-market order session.

Hopefully, this detailed review was able to clear any of your doubts as far as Stock Market timings in India are concerned. Feel free to reach out to us if there are any doubts.

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