Angel Broking Remisier Benefits

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To become a sub-broker of Angel Broking one requires a huge initial investment. Right? But what if you are told that you can operate the sub-broker business at zero investment. Wouldn’t it be great? One such is the Remisier model. So, let’s figure out the Angel Broking Remisier Benefits. 

But before jumping straight into the topic, it’s better first to understand the term Remisier and the plan. 

Well, to describe in simpler terms Remisiers are the primary agents hired by Angel Broking and other stockbrokers to source new clients for the firm. 

In return, the stockbroker provides you certain benefits and an opportunity to earn a commission. 

Let’s dive in to know the commission and Angel Broking Remisier benefits to make a decision of whether or not one must go for this model. 

Angel Broking Remisier Commission

Angel Broking, now known as Angel One has brought this plan to offer an additional source of income to their existing clients and also for the ones planning to get into the stock market with Angel Broking as their trading partner.

And talking about their money-making, it is a commission model.  A remisier earns up to 25% of the sales made as to the brokerage on every successful referral. 

So basically, once the client is onboarded, each time they make a trade transaction, the remisier earns 25% of it. 

Additionally, there is no upper cap on the number of referrals that the remisier can make. So it is like a one-time effort and lifetime earnings from a single client.

To understand this let’s take an example. 

Suppose you refer 10 clients to Angel Broking out of which 6 are trading actively. 

Now considering the transaction of each, let’s suppose each one of them is doing a trade paying the brokerage of let’s say ₹2000 per month

Here 2000*6= ₹12,000

Now calculating your commission i.e. 25% of their brokerage, you would be able to earn ₹3000. 

This is when 6 out of 10 traders are trading. 

But as Angel Broking does not provide any upper limit and hence you can refer more clients and thus increase your earnings under the Angel Broking Remisier model. 

Other than this there are many more benefits, the detail of which is provided below:

What are the Benefits of Becoming an Angel Broking Remisier?

So here is not just one this program has got several advantages for anyone registering with Angel Broking. Let’s take a quick look at Angel Broking Remisier Benefits, such as;

  • No investment capital needed

To become an Angel One remisier, you don’t actually have to pay any initial amount to be validated. You can just register and directly get into business. 

  • Facilities offered by Angel One

Post becoming a verified Angel One remisier, the party is on the broking house. Meaning, all the services such as tag, referrals links are generated by Angel One and the platform to maintain your earning records is also provided by the broker.

  • Aggressive brokerage sharing

Now comes the best part, earnings. Well, generally a remisier’s earning potential lies between 10% to 30% and here in the case of Angel Broking, it’s 25%, which certainly is among the best in the industry. 

  • Transparency

When it comes to payments and any other capital transactions, transparency is the main factor to be looked upon. So once the remisier introduces a client to the firm and then he or she starts trading, the remisier’s part of share is immediately transferred to their accounts which can be tracked anytime through the dashboard provided. 

  • Lifetime earning potential

Next comes the lifetime earning opportunity. This means that the remisier will need to work initially on the client and that it, he will no longer have to get into follow-ups once the client is onboarded;

That part is taken care of by Angel One’s service team and then he can sit back and see the money coming in each time the client places any trade order in his entire life span.

  • Flexible

The term here means that the remisier works individually and is not abided by the firm. Meaning there is no requirement of specific office space in particular plus there are no timings. The work can be done at any point in time in the day. 

And hence they basically have the freedom to experiment with their schedule and get favourable results. 

Moving towards the end now!


Hence, having a source of income is fine but then grabbing the opportunity to make more money is a smart move. Here, with zero capital investment and a little bit of time investment, you can make things work for you. 

After all, wealth creation is the ultimate goal of any individual entering the stock market world.  And seriously saying this is no golden era where a savings account would fix it all, income diversification is the new normal to beat the ever-growing expenditure.

So make a smart move and go for something as smart as becoming a remisier and enjoy all the Angel Broking Remisier Benefits. 

Sub Broker Business

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