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Tradebulls Margin falls among one of the reasonable values offered among the full-service stockbrokers, even though the broker itself is not that big in terms of the number of client and trading volume. With around 80,000 active clients, Tradebulls can be seen as a mid-sized broker.
However, it provides margin values at Equity Intraday/Delivery, Currency, Commodities and Derivative levels.
In this detailed review, we will have a look at the margin values offered by the broker.
Tradebulls Margin Calculator
Tradebulls is one of those stockbrokers that has done relatively well over the past few years in terms of increasing its active client base. The full-service broker has been strategically focussing on specific regions of the country and is taking it slow when it comes to national geographic expansion.
Last updated 26th March 2025
Tradebulls Margin is one of the unique selling propositions of the broker and the margin values can go relatively high especially in Intraday trading and Commodity trading.
In this detailed review, we will have a look at all the Tradebulls margin values across the trading segments including specific stocks, currency pairs, commodities etc. This review contains information on margin values across different exchanges as well, be it NSE, BSE, MCX or NCDEX.
First and foremost, let’s have a look at Tradebulls Margin in the equity segment and the kind of margin value it has to offer for each specific stock (although, there will be a few stocks for which the broker won’t provide any margin and such stocks are not part of the list).
The margin values provided are given at an interest rate of 10% to 22%. The actual value depends on the stock, its volatility on the day and of course, your negotiation skills.
As per the list, stocks such as Infibeam, RPower, Reliance Communications and DFHL are provided with the highest margin percentages while the indices including Nifty, Bank Nifty and Nifty IT are provided with the least values.
You may choose to search for the specific stock from the list (using the search textbox) or you may sort the whole list based on your requirement.
Check all the Tradebulls margin details for equity here:
Tradebulls Derivatives Span Margin
If you prefer trading in the derivatives segment and buy lots, then Tradebull provides an initial margin and an additional margin on top of the values already offered.
For example, if you are looking to pick a market lot of 3000 shares of Apollo Tyres, then as per Tradebulls margin policy, you get an initial span margin of 7.5% i.e. 41370. Along with that, you are also allowed to take an additional margin of 5% i.e. 27,578, thus taking the total margin value to 68,948.
Make sure you understand all these calculations before you decide to pick up a specific stock lot.
Here again, there are stocks such as India Vix where get an initial margin that is as high as 50%. Thus, understand your risk appetite, calculate your margin requirements and only then go ahead with the trade.
Here are the Tradebulls margin details for the equity derivatives segment:
Tradebulls Currency Futures Margin
As far as currency trading is concerned, Tradebulls margin comes with an expiry date of the contract and each of the listed currency pairs have their own set of initial margin and additional margin from the broker.
Generally, further the expiry date, higher is the margin that is offered to you. As the expiry date gets closer, the margin values start shrinking as well.
Then, it also needs to be understood that there is relatively less volatility in the currency trading segment unless there are some big global events happening that can impact the currency pair standing variedly.
In India, as it is known that you can trade in 4 currency pairs only i.e. Rupee with Euro, Yen, Dollar and British Pound. Here are the Tradebulls margin details for the currency segment:
Tradebulls MCX Margin
Although, there are different exchanges in India that allow commodity trading but MCX and NCDEX are the most prominent ones.
In this detailed list of Tradebulls margin value on MCX-based commodities, there are 4 different variants based on the expiry date of the commodity lot. Each entry comes with its expiry date, price, Lot multiplier, initial margin and the final margin value you can ask for from the broker.
For MCX, there are commodities such as BRASSPHY, GOLDGUINEA, GOLDPETAL, MENTHAOIL etc that come with high commodity trading margin offerings.
But then, like said earlier, be aware of all the important factors before committing yourself to the contract. Here are the Tradebulls Margin values for the MCX segment for your reference:
Tradebulls NCDEX Margin
Lastly, talking about the NCDEX exchange, the commodities offered are different (agri-based) from the ones in MCX. And one of the most important factors, in this case, is – seasonality. Thus, if you are looking to invest through this exchange, make sure you have an in and out idea of the commodity and what kind of impact seasonality has on those.
As far as Tradebulls margin is concerned, there are 4 variants based on their respective expiry dates. Additional margin is provided in some of the commodities and in some, you get just the initial margin.
Here are the Tradebulls Margin values for NCDEX segment:
Hopefully, we were able to assist you with the Tradebulls margin values you were looking for. In case you want to start trading, let us assist you in taking the next strides forward.
Also Read:
Here is a quick look at some of the other margin calculators available for you:
More on Tradebulls:
If you are looking to know more about this full-service stockbroker, here are a few reference links: