Comments on: Astha Trade Vs Zerodha Stock Broker Reviews, Brokerage Calculators, Comparisons Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:12:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: M.A.Saleem Mon, 25 Feb 2019 06:18:40 +0000 Astha trade is only good in providing leverage, They don’t have proper charting software, their mobile app is specially designed app.

If a person is in profit then their APP automatically hang, you won’t be able to use it till you are in profit and specially if you are a new trader their APP knows.

If a person is a new in trading and joins Astha trade then be ready to wipe out all your money.

I would never advice anyone to trade with ASTHA if they are new into trading and they want to learn, Join Zerodha or Upstox they are good.

Their margin is lower but at least you wont end up loosing all money. Don’t see the leverage of Astha, Eventually you will loose all your funds because their APP will always hang, even Odin hangs if we are in profit.
