Most Complained Stock Brokers
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When one wants to know the Most Complained Stock Brokers in the industry, it implies that a person is doing due research before opening a demat account for him/herself. This is a good thing to do for it helps you to stay away from brokers that might be a problem for you in the future.
Furthermore, while making sure that you stay away from such lousy stockbrokers, you are definitely leading yourself towards smart investments too.
Like every other industry, Stock Broking space in India also has a mix of top and worse performing players. There are different metrics to decipher the quality of the stockbroker, such as:
- Trading Platforms
- Value for money brokerage
- Exposure
- Customer Service
- The range of trading products
- Research and recommendations
There may possibly be other factors too, but more or less these are primarily some of the facets which clients look into.
Although the stock market industry is tightly regulated by SEBI followed by its registered indices NSE (National Stock Exchange) and BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), still there could be situations where clients get some bad taste in their mouth.
In such cases, clients can directly complain against the broker either by following the online process or they could carry it forward in the traditional offline way.
For people who don’t know how to take things forward, they can check out this detailed article on What to do when your Stockbroker goes bust!
In this review, we have compiled a list of 10 most complained stockbrokers that have received the highest number of complaints in this financial year. The industry complaint average is 0.06% which basically means for every 1000 clients across stock brokers, 6 of those have registered complaints against one stockbroker or the other.
The criteria of this list is that the Stock Broker must be registered with SEBI and must have at least 1000 active clients for the financial years 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20.
List of Most Complained Stock Brokers for June 2019
Industry Average: 0.01%
List of Most Complained Stock Brokers for October 2018
Industry Average: 0.02
List of Most Complained Stock Brokers for September 2018
Industry Average: 0.02
List of Most Complained Stock Brokers for January to June 2018
Industry Average: 0.02
This list gives you an idea that what percentage of the clients of these stockbrokers are not happy with their stockbroker.
Higher the percentage, worst the experience provided to the clients by the broker. In the next part, we will come up with a list of stockbrokers with the highest number of active clients but the lowest percentage of complaints against them.
The list does not talk about the highest number of complaints simply because bigger stockbrokers have a higher number of active clients in total and correspondingly high “number” of complaints. But this does not imply that their percentage of complaints are high too.
At the same time, there are few stockbrokers such as Samco, that offer reasonably low-quality services but their overall percentage is still intact. Furthermore, you can also refer to this article on Worst Stock Brokers in India from other perspectives too.

some of the brokers on the otherway trying to cheat and on the otherway many times change the charges .
samco and fyers in demat account opening form advise mandetorily sign on a ecs form which authorise them to debit client’s bank account at their will. recently many brokers start leving minimum brokarage (eg for any trade minimum brokarage of rs 20 to 40) and also for trading terminal for clients. most terrible on the part of sharekhan. client sud be cautious about this broker. in there site sharekhan under terms and condition mention the charge of 10000/ per anum plus gst for their trading terminal tradetiger but most of their representative deny about it
I am a beginner. Need a good stock broker with low brokerage.
I have a similar experience to share about the so call discount broker ZERODHA. On the face of it their claim to fame is that they are the biggest and number one discount broker. Yes they are superficially, but they have hidden charges to just about every damn thing. The call on trade is charged Rs. 20 they charge you GST on that too. No company I have heard of charges for Auto-square off at 3:20 pm, yes you might get a huge surprise when you are charged 47 or 100 plus ( GST separately) and you just cant avoid the frustration and laugh. If you go minus on your trade you are charged separately (with GST). And they charge you two ways for buying and selling (well this practice is with the recent lot of discount traders sprouted up). So in short you laugh, sing or fart you are charged alongwith GST, seriously. And they really shy away for customer service, yes they do. Its pathetic customer service. I recommend to actually stay away from such New Kids On The Block, who are rather Bullish to make quick bucks. And yes they cheat on their referrals too. Stay away from ZERODHA.
Stay Away from Religare because they will call you again and again and make your life hell. And yes, they call from different numbers every time and ask you to invest even when you are not interested. These people will deduct some money from your account in the name of security which you won’t get back. I sent them hundreds of emails for the closure of my account and get caution money back but they didn’t reply me and their executives are forcing me to invest rather than closing my account. Worst experience ever. I am not gonna spare you guys.
I have dealt with some top stock brokers during last 20 years and found that all of them are engaged in fraudulent trade practices.
Although, they are subjected to half yearly Internal Audit and periodic inspections by Exchanges/SEBI but it is really shocking that various modus operandi adopted by them are never reported, thus raising the quality of audit/inspection and leading to believe that these stock brokers are being shielded.
It is obvious that illegally charged amount from the investors, most of whom don’t know about various charges, is routed to brokers books. In fact, it is an On-going SCAM since long, involving thousands of crores, may be in connivance with SEBI/Exchange officials.
One can find various circulars on SEBI website, stating various modus opernadi, which fall under fraud and warrant criminal action against the companies and its directors from the end of SEBI, which is a regulatory authority and supposed to protect interest of investors. Some such modus operandi, accepted by SEBI in its circulars are as under
1. Using softwares, which are NOT IN THE INTEREST OF SECURITIES MARKET.
2. Non-passing actual transacted rate to the clients.
3. Realization of Statutory and Regulatory at excess rates.
4. Realization of charges/levies, not prescribed by SEBI/Exchanges.
zerodha is cheater. They will execute your trades automatically.
5paisa is biggest cheater then zerodha
I had a bad experience with Zerodha myself.I paid Rs.500 online on their “instant” opening promise.The result was Rs. 500+gst gone ,physical paperwork and a lot of
mental pain, no return of documents submitted ,(a compromise of privacy ).
And reading your experience I consider myself lucky to have gotten off so lightly.
app not open
my capital grow