Does Zerodha Charges for Cancelled Order?

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In today’s flat brokerage industry, discount stock broker Zerodha has a robust market position. Not only, it makes the execution of orders easy but also provides a seamless way to cancel orders. But what about the fees? Does Zerodha charges for Cancelled orders?

In this article, we will check various reasons that canceling orders in Zerodha and the detail of charges for cancelled order.

Zerodha Charges for Cancelled Order

Being the top stockbroker, what makes Zerodha stands out is its lowest brokerage charges in India and advanced trading app. But sometimes when using the trading platform to place the order, it gets canceled automatically.

Now here are some of the major reasons why a broker cancels your order

  •  Inadequate margin
  •  Wrong usage of order type
  •  Scrip not accessible for trading
  •  Stock groups change, and so on.
  • The order book shows the reason for the rejection.
  • Order validity gets expired.

Also, when the trader is no more interested in taking the position, he or she cancels the order using the trading app. There is a seamless process to cancel the order using Zerodha Kite app.

These are the reasons, now what about the charges. Are there any Zerodha penalty charges for a canceled order?

Well! whatever the reason is, Zerodha charges any fees for a canceled order.

You need to pay Zerodha brokerage for orders that get executed; orders that are declined or canceled for any purpose, either automatically or manually, are not subject to these charges.


So, if you are using Zerodha Kite, then you can cancel, modify or reject your orders anytime before execution and there will be no additional fees charged for this.

You can check all these details of cancelled orders in the Order book and can place it by fulfilling the conditions again.

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